The Day the Sun Stopped Shining

Three hours of darkness-from the 6th hour to the 9th hour, from noon to three.


Darkness which represented sin.

I wonder if those that demanded His crucifixion cried, “What have we done?”

I wonder if hearts and eyes were opened and words whispered, “This man was really God’s Son.”

One centurion recognized this truth of Jesus. He truly was a righteous man. Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47

I wonder about the fear, confusion, and chaos that filled Jerusalem. Those that had seen this man calm the sea, give sight to the blind, and forgive sins; now were seeing darkness in the middle of the day. Even nature responded-the sun failed.

The crowd that gathered, after watching all that had taken place, went home, striking their chests. This striking of chests could have been a sign of grief or contrition before God. The women disciples who knew Him, supported His ministry wholeheartedly, stayed at a distance to watch. Matthew 27:55, Mark 15:40, Luke 23:48-49

I wonder about the sadness they must have felt. Their hearts breaking as they witnessed the horrific death of their Lord.

In this chaos, the male disciples abandoned Jesus. Let’s not judge them too harshly. The teacher who had been with them the last three years was now gone. I wonder about the fear and grief they must have felt.

At 3:00 Jesus took His last breath-giving up His Spirit. The darkness lifted. The curtain of the sanctuary split in two from top to bottom. Jesus’ death making a new way for us sinners-giving us new access to God.

Three days had to pass. The tomb was found empty-the stone rolled away. The women disciples first upon the scene experienced yet more confusion, asking, “Where is the body of Jesus?”

Angels announced the resurrection! “Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here, but He has been resurrected!” the angels said, reminding them of Jesus’ words. Matthew 28:5-6, Mark 16:5-6, Luke 24:5-7

Oh, how glorious. As soon as they heard this, they remembered and were better able to understand and believe all that Jesus had said.

I wonder about this very tender moment as the women were reminded of Jesus’ words. I wonder how they could ever forget what Jesus had taught. What about all the times I forgot. I remember my need for reminding. Our Lord is so tender to remind us of His many promises, the fullness of His love, and the unlimited supply of grace.

And I am so thankful.

The day the sun stopped shining-for three hours the world was dark. In the chaos, confusion, and fear, God was working His perfect plan.

Three days later the tomb was found empty. Halleluiah!!

The Son of God resurrected. He had to become the perfect lamb-the perfect sacrifice. Because He lives, He makes a way for us to spend eternity with Him. John 3:16-17

May you find hope in the one that calms every storm.

May you find peace in the one that brings light from the darkness.

Happy Easter.