Rest in Jesus this Christmas-Week 4

How did last week go? Were you able to sneak away for quiet moments to be with Jesus?

Christmas 2021 is upon us…just a few days to go.

As you have been preparing, I hope your last few weeks have been filled with joy and peace. Studying and writing these blog posts have been very helpful for me. I sincerely hope they have offered insight and fresh perspective to such a busy season.

God stepped down from heaven in perfect timing. Jesus coming in the flesh, as a baby, reveals His great love for us. The events divinely orchestrated:

  • No room at the Inn but rather a stable
  • Joseph and Mary, young parents who trusted the call upon their lives
  • Angels singing hymns and praises
  • The shepherds, considered lowly workers, the first to visit and worship the King
  • Approximately 300 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled


God is faithful.

Trust in His Faithfulness

Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” John 14:1

We place our trust in something or someone EVERY SINGLE DAY. We continually evaluate the things we can see in each of our circumstances; and this, very often, determines the choices we make. We place our trust in:

  • The size of our bank account
  • Our work/employment
  • Our retirement planning
  • Our spouse/family
  • Our traditions/the ways we navigate our lives

The list could go on…where do you place your trust?

In the case of a person, we might rely on their ability, strength, or character. We find ourselves depending on them. In the case of a thing, we might rely upon the safety or security we feel it brings us. In either case, we often rely on the things we can see or how we perceive the situation. The decisions we make are based upon past experiences along with how it affects our future. This is natural…this is us being human.

None of this is bad or wrong. Unless it shifts our attention from the One who is always faithful.

Psalm 131, written by King David, says it perfectly, The Passion Translation:

Lord, my heart is meek before you. I don’t consider myself better than others.

I’m content to not pursue matters that are over my head—such as your complex mysteries and wonders—that I am not ready to understand.

I am humbled and quieted in your presence. Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap, I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you.

O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust, waiting upon the Lord now and forever.

Oh Friends, let us rest in the wonder of our God. On this side of glory, there are many things we don’t understand, but let our hearts be filled with an unshakeable faith. There are times when the valley is deep, the pain and hurt seem almost unbearable, let us find comfort in His presence.

Jesus came for this…for us. REST in Jesus this Christmas.

Scripture for further study

Psalm 36:5

Psalm 62:5-8

Isaiah 26:3-4

Matthew 25:21

John 14:27

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Thessalonians 5:24

Hebrews 10:23

2 Timothy 2:13

Action Step

Remembering God’s faithfulness in our own lives helps strengthen our faith and trust Him.

Grab a piece of paper or your journal. List times where you have seen God’s faithfulness.

  • What was the situation?
  • How did God show up?
  • What did you learn or what was revealed?
  • Take a moment to thank Him.

Merry Christmas! Wishing you health and peace in 2022.

Enjoy the movement practice.

2 thoughts on “Rest in Jesus this Christmas-Week 4

    1. Oh…thank you, Karen. I love reading your daily posts as well. So positive and encouraging.

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