Rest in Jesus this Christmas-Week 3

How is that “to-do” list looking?

Are you able to rewrite it? Cross some tasks off and adjust others?

Maybe your list doesn’t need any tweaking. Maybe the things listed are everything that you feel need to be accomplished. The importance is walking in step with God. Taking that time to pray and sit in His presence to be guided by Him. In the fullness of this season, it becomes even more significant to seek Him and rest in His stillness.

Using the acronym REST:

R = response of our heart

E = express our need for a Savior

S = seek His stillness

T = trust His faithfulness

Seek His Stillness

Scripture is clear that when we come before the Lord with a quiet reverence, we gain a confidence and strength. Through the prophet Isaiah, God warned Judah that turning to Egypt or to the surrounding nations for help, they would not be saved. Their nation would not be strong and they would continue to live in chaos. They should have returned and rested in God…this is what would have provided confidence and strength. Isaiah 30:15

Through the prophet Zephaniah, God warns against losing fellowship with Him. Zephaniah is reminding the people that the Lord is living among them. He is the mighty savior. The living God takes delight in them; that with his love, he calms their fears, and that He rejoices over them. Zephaniah 3:14-18

Friends, this is true for us!

I wrestled with the teaching in Isaiah. To sit quietly is so NOT what we do. Most of us want to take matters into our own hands, find solutions, and try to fix our own problems. Judah wanted to be a strong nation and was looking to other people for their military strength. And they simply should have looked to God. Oh…let me…let us look to God for strength and confidence. And that is why it is so important to sit with the one who can provide all that we need.

How can we hear anything when the noise is so loud? How can our spirit’s rest in the chaos of the world?

When we are busy pursuing all the things-we lose our focus on God. We begin to drift and our fellowship changes. Zephaniah points out that the Lord lives among us (and because of Christ, He lives in us!). We have nothing to fear. We don’t have to carry our troubles and burdens. Through Christ’s love and His work on the cross, we are reconciled to Him. He rejoices over us.

Action Step:

Sneak away for moments to be with God this week. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit with a tall spine and space for breath. Close your eyes and being to breathe in and out, inhale and exhale through your nose. Notice the rise and fall of your chest and the awareness in your body. Turn this into a breath prayer:

While breathing in say, “I love you, Jesus”

While breathing out say, “You nourish my soul”

I encourage you to use any scripture or use your own words. Breathe in His goodness, become aware of His presence, listen for His voice, and be filled with His strength. Seek these moments of stillness with Him this week and notice the difference in all of your being.

Please share any thoughts and comments in the blog. Let me know what you discover!  

10 thoughts on “Rest in Jesus this Christmas-Week 3

  1. I love this. I think so often that I should take more time to be still and know that he is God. I will focus more on this for the rest of the Christmas season. Thank you, Rebecca.

  2. Beautifully written. Quieting the mind and soul is so hard, especially during the holidays seasons. I shall breathe in Jesus. I shall exhale any chaos. Thank you for helping me to stay focused on that which is important – in Him my soul delights.

  3. Thank you for sharing this! Beautiful to say the least. I feel our lives are filled with so much chaos all of the time. REST is good all times of the year now especially

  4. You are amazing: thank you for sharing your priceless gift.
    Gods blessings to you each day to keep teaching us.

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