REST in Jesus this Christmas-Week 2

How did you do in week 1?

My prayer is that in reflecting on the Christmas story found in Luke 1 and 2, we become more aware of how our heart is responding in this season. This time of year can bring up so many emotions for us…both positive and negative. It is important to notice the effect it has on us. Becoming more aware awakens our spirit to recognize the prompting of Christ’s spirit.

Using the acronym REST:

R = response of our heart

E = express our need for a Savior

S = seek His stillness

T = trust His faithfulness

Express our need for a Savior

Christmas is Christmas because of Christ. He is the reason for the season! When we keep Jesus at the center of our preparations, we can stay grounded in all the busyness. He alone brings the hope. He alone brings a joy and peace that the world cannot give. John 14:27 Jesus fills our hearts with love and meets our deepest longings. Philippians 4:19

It doesn’t take long to notice that this season without Jesus will leave us void and empty. Parties, food, nor presents can fill us like Jesus. The craziness we experience at the stores most often doesn’t reflect the peace we so much desire. Even the gifts we may receive won’t fill the deep longings in our heart. At the end of December, we are left still seeking. We may feel that something is missing. There is a stirring in our soul; it is yearning for the thing that can fill us up.

It is Jesus!

The True Vine and Branches

John 15:1-11

Jesus teaches that He is the true vine. His promise is that if we remain in Him, He remains in us; and we will be fruitful. Jesus is our source for a steadfast life. The ESV (English Standard Version) translation uses the word abide. Greek translation of this word means to stay in relation, to be or remain united in heart, mind, and will. It also assumes a perpetual relationship. I need this kind of relationship!

Notice Jesus does not say to work harder, decorate more, bake more, buy more; He says, “remain in me”. The vine is the source for nutrients, thus sustaining life. A branch cannot produce any fruit separate from the vine. We discover this truth in our life as well. Unless we are connected to God, our life is unfulfilling. Our human effort and accomplishments seem vain and offer no satisfaction. Ecclesiastes 1:2-3

Expressing our need for the one who is truth and power leads to a life of peace. Abiding in Christ meets our deepest needs. He changes our heart. He begins to prune us. We begin to recognize that without Christ, our tasks…our life…is futile and fleeting. Things begin to stir and we want to produce good fruit.

We long for a purposeful connection to the one who fills us with life. We desire to be fully and completely loved…with a perfect love…the kind that only Jesus can provide. John 15:9 His love is not contingent upon the things we do. By remaining in Him, and He in us, we experience a love that never fails and fills us with a complete, everlasting joy. John 15:10-11

This season being filled with all the extra festivities, it becomes even more important to rest in Jesus. The busyness of the world can so easily pull us away and carry us to a place of chaos. Jesus arrived at His Father’s designated time. He came with a purpose of reconciling us to himself. Our need for Him is great. Let’s not miss the quiet peace that this season brings. Let’s not miss Jesus.

Action Step:

Bring Him your “to do” list. Let Him guide you in all the tasks that are listed. Some you may completely cross off, others you may need to adjust. Pray, listen for His voice and let His spirit prompt you.