Rest in Jesus this Christmas

Christmas is a beautiful, magical season. As we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we can get caught up in the busyness. At times, it can leave us feeling stressed, cranky, and utterly exhausted.

Reflecting on Christmases past, this has been me at times. And I have to say, that for this reason, Christmas is NOT my favorite holiday. But I want it to be!!

If you have struggled with this too, it doesn’t have to be this way. This post, along with the next three, will share helpful tips on making this Christmas truly a celebration. Even in the hustle and bustle, our spirit should be filled with hope, joy, and love. In this season, our spirit can be as full as our schedules.

Using the acronym REST:

R = response of our heart

E = express our neediness

S = seek His stillness

T = trust His faithfulness

The Christmas Story Luke 1 & 2:

We first read about John the Baptist’s birth announcement from the angel Gabriel and the skepticism of his father, Zacharias. Starting in Luke 1:18, Zacharias responded, “How shall I know this…?” There was a bit of unbelief; not completely trusting of the news. In fact, Zacharias was unable to speak until John was born because he did not believe. Luke 1:20

When the angel visited Mary to announce that she is the chosen servant to carry the Son of God, she responds, “How can this be…?” Her response was one of curiosity. She fully believed but wanted to know the details. Luke 1:34

Mary then went to visit Zacharias and Elizabeth. When greeting Elizabeth, the baby, John, leaped for joy in her womb. Luke 1:44 Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and the baby leaped. What a response! Is this your heart response this Christmas?

My favorite response is that of the shepherds. Luke 2:8-20 When the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds telling them the good news that the Savior was born, they left their flocks, traveled to the city, to see this magnificent thing. After they had seen Jesus laying in the manger, they left forever changed. On the way back to their flocks, they were sharing the good news of this Child.

Isn’t that the way it happens? Once you encounter the goodness of Jesus, you are forever changed. This can be your response this Christmas…to drop what you are doing, even for just a moment, to worship the King.

Lastly, let’s look at the response of the angels. After sharing the good news with the shepherds, the angel was joined by a multitude of angels who began singing and praising God. Luke 2:13-14

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Maybe your heart response is to simply sing and praise.

So what will be your heart response this Christmas?

  • A bit of skepticism, unbelief, simply going through the motions like Zacharias
  • Being humbly curious of the promise of God sending His son like Mary
  • Leaping for joy like baby John
  • Stepping away from the busyness to worship and be with Jesus like the shepherds
  • Singing praises like the angels

This season is a cause for celebration…a great celebration. It is filled with extra things to do like shopping, baking, and decorating, along with parties and family gatherings. But let’s start with our heart response. Jesus entered the world in God’s perfect timing. Jesus came in the busyness of life. Let’s not miss Jesus this Christmas.

Action Step:

Listen to your favorite Christian music- find your favorite Christmas hymns. Sing and praise our wonderful Lord and Savior…and you will be forever changed!!

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