Our Treasure is Jesus

A Journey to the Cross: Walking Toward Jesus this Easter

Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.  Psalm 119:37

Work out your faith in this video!!

Highlights along with Scripture reference:

Jesus has a conversation with a rich, young ruler regarding what it takes to enter the Kingdom of God. It is recorded by three of the Gospel writers.

Matthew 19:16-22

Mark 10:17-23

Luke 18:18-23

How many of us are like the rich, young ruler who maybe thought that the way to attain eternal life was by being good. He had kept the law (kept the commandments), but Jesus said there is one more thing. Sell all your possessions, give the money to the poor, and then follow me. The young man walked away very sad because he had great wealth. The Message translation says, “This was the last thing the official expected to hear. He was very rich and become terribly sad. He was holding on tight to a lot of things and not about to let them go.”

At first glance, it appears that this man was “doing it right”. Jesus did not dispute his recollection of keeping the law thus we can assume he was a good, moral person. As a leader this was probably helpful in propelling him to success and being recognized in the community. Even in our culture today, he would be seen as an accomplished, hard worker.  Yet something was amiss.

This man valued other things. Even in keeping the Old Testament laws, his heart devotion was distorted from the things of God. Jesus was asking him to relinquish his earthly treasures for the treasure of Jesus himself.

As we journey to the cross this Easter season, let Jesus be our treasure.

Your journey to the cross this Easter season

Scripture Reflection:

Ephesians 3:12

Matthew 6:19-21

  1. Though the Ten Commandments continue to provide a solid moral basis, keeping them does not guarantee my salvation. Jesus’s death and resurrection provides that for me. In what ways might I begin to strengthen my relationship with Christ?
  2. What things or areas in my life am I feeling called by the Holy Spirit to surrender or relinquish?
  3. How can I continue to develop an eternity (Kingdom of God) perspective?

2 thoughts on “Our Treasure is Jesus

  1. Thank you for sharing your love of the word and your love of movement. Yoga might be cool too.

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