Lovingkindness is Possible!

In the Old Testament, lovingkindness is God’s very nature. We discovered many scripture verses revealing this truth. Psalm 136 provided us an accurate history lesson. If you missed it, click http://www.rebeccapierskalla.com/god’s-lovingkindness-in-action.

In the New Testament, lovingkindness shows up in the flesh. It is Christ!

God’s lovingkindness is amplified!! He sent his Son to shed his blood for our sins; to take our place upon that cross. We see His love and kindness in and through Jesus Christ. John 3:16

Love in Full Power

We don’t see this English translated word lovingkindness in the New Testament, but we see the word LOVE in full power. The greatest commandment that Jesus taught was to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:29-31

What is this love? Is this kind of love even possible? What is it about God’s love?

I don’t know about you, but I want to know more about the kind of love that Jesus taught!

The word nerd that I am…let’s dig into the Greek language. There are a number of definitions (expressions) of the word love. These various definitions are dependent upon the context of the relationship in which it is used. For example, love between a husband and wife, parent and child, love of a friend or enemy, and the love between God and man.

The love referred to in Mark above is the Greek word, agapao, (ag-ap-ah’-o). It means to regard with favor, goodwill, benevolence. And it is a verb, which means there is action attached. In the case of loving God completely and loving our neighbor, there is expected action on our part.

This kind of love is also required of us when Jesus said, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 5:44 Our expression of love in action might be to wish them well or to do good to them. The power of prayer would also be a good choice, as Jesus instructed.

The love found in John 3:16 is from the Greek word, agape, (ag-ah’-pay). It also means to regard with goodwill, benevolence, and affection. And it is noun, which means person, place, or thing. It denotes specifically “the love of God” or “the love of Christ”, which means God/Christ is the author and source of love. This love is perfect and unconditional.

In 1 John 4:7-21, depicts both expressions of love. Because of God’s great love for us, this love He bestows so lavishly, freely, and willingly, we can love others, even our enemies. The very essence of God is that He is love. 1 John 4:16

I find it interesting that the agape kind of love given from God, no action is required on our part. He did all the action by shedding His blood on the cross while we were still sinners. Ephesians 2:4-9

It is through His love, grace, and mercy that our hearts can be transformed. God’s highest priority is in His expression of love for us. His love for us sets the foundation. We are called to love one another because He first loved us. 1 John 4:11

The action kind of love God desires from us is to praise and worship only Him. To seek Him with our whole heart, to confess our sins, and accept Him as our Savior. Towards our neighbors, towards our enemies, He teaches us to pray for them, forgive them, and to show them favor and goodwill.

Recalling the question, “Is it possible to cultivate this positive energy and love for myself and my enemies without Christ?”

Friends, my answer is NO. The answer is NO!

This is only possible through the love of Jesus Christ.

Other verses to discover

Romans 8:31-39

2 Corinthians 5:14

Let’s pray

Father God, we are so thankful for the living sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let us not forget that the blood you shed was for our sin, the cross covers our sin. This (agape) love is unconditional and nothing that we do can separate us from your love. Continue to work in our hearts so that we may (agapao) love others, even our enemies, well. It is in you and through you that this is possible. You alone are worthy of all our praise. May all glory shine upon you today. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Enjoy this movement practice!

2 thoughts on “Lovingkindness is Possible!

  1. Hi! Thank you for the clarity in Love it helped me see the deeper meaning and what we are called to do!

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