Living in God’s Shadow

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:1

Have you ever felt like you were living in someone’s shadow?

Always being compared to a sibling, a co-worker, or even a spouse. Your thoughts, ideas, and opinions aren’t good enough-or don’t matter. Maybe your skills and talents aren’t recognized or appreciated. It might feel like you are living in a larger-than-life presence of someone else.

A shadow could also mean a looming darkness, an over-powering presence that we can’t shake. It could mean evil.

This is a hard place to be! We may begin to second-guess ourselves, wonder if we are good enough. We may wonder where our place is in this world.

Often fear, doubt, and judgement begin to creep into our hearts. We might become tired and weary. We take on burdens that were never meant for us to carry.

So a shadow could be someone or something.

Can we agree that living in someone’s shadow is…well…not really living?!?!

Have you ever felt this way? I know I have…

What do you do? Who or what do you run to?

There is a place…there is a someone.

Psalm 23:4 promises us that no matter where we walk, even in the shadow of death, the Good Shepherd is with us. He will guide and comfort us. Because He is with us, we can be bold, we are given strength to fear no evil.

Friends, I want to walk in this place, on this road, every day.

Where do you want to walk? Where do you want to dwell?

Psalm 91 reads ‘whoever’. The shelter of the Most High is meant for you…for me. I encourage you to read the rest of the Psalm. God longs to be our protector. He is a refuge and fortress who we can trust Psalm 91:2. This is a safe place, the only place for us to be.

On this side of glory, we will walk in the shadow, we will walk in deep darkness. We will have trials and tribulations, sickness and even death. But if we continue to persevere, continue to seek the Lord’s refuge, and proclaim His goodness, He promises to guide us and never leave us Psalm 91:3-13.

Afflictions, hardships and adversity will continue as we walk through each of our days. The Psalmist receives confirmation of hope and deliverance. His very soul is renewed with the promise of salvation for faithful obedience. Psalm 91:14-16 This promise is meant for you…for me. Let us not lose hope but rather let us walk with our protector. Let us dwell in the shelter of the Most High and find rest and comfort living in the shadow of the Almighty.

Enjoy this movement practice.