There was a place…
Do you long to meet with God? To truly find a space (and a time) to commune with Him?
In the Old Testament, Moses had received instructions from God while on Mount Sinai regarding the building of a sanctuary. Exodus 25:8
This sanctuary was to be a moveable tabernacle that would follow the Israelites while in the wilderness and then into Canaan. Other familiar names for this structure are “the house of the Lord” Exodus 34:26 and “tent of meeting” Exodus 40:34-38. This was meant to be a very special structure where God met with His people. His glory and presence filled the tent. Can you imagine what this structure looked like? And the power that might have radiated from this tent?
Exodus 25, Exodus 26, and Exodus 27 gives us a detailed description. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read these chapters.
The Mercy Seat
As I was reading these chapters recently, I was intrigued with the mercy seat (ESV translation). Exodus 25:17-22 It was made of pure gold, there were two cherubim on each side with their wings spread facing the seat, and this is where God was going to meet with His people. It was from this seat (also called the atonement cover in other translations) where God was going to speak to and lead the Israelites. This is also the place where sin offerings were made. The priests were instructed to offer a bull without blemish to atone for the sins of the Israelites. The mercy seat also represented forgiveness.
It fascinated me in a fresh way how God truly wants to be with us. This mercy seat, which was the top piece of the Ark of the Covenant, represented a physical place for Him to do this. There was a place.
Jesus’ bloodshed on the cross makes a new way for us. He was the blood sacrifice, the atonement cover, for our sins. With His work, His perfect work, His Spirit lives in us. No longer do we need priests to make atonement for our sins, but we can enter the holy places as well. Hebrews 10:19-22
Action Steps
There isn’t a class attached to this post. I want you to find a place…to meet with God this week.
As He designed a magnificent sanctuary to meet with the Israelites, we can now meet with Him anywhere and anytime. So jump onto that yoga mat, find a spot on your favorite piece of furniture, come to your knees at the side of your bed, or take a nature walk outside. Wherever!!
- Sing praises to the King of kings
- Ask for forgiveness
- Cry tears of pain
- Lay your worries at His feet
- Find rest in His presence
Please leave me a comment! Let me know about your place….
My spot – on the porch in the early morning hours.