God’s Lovingkindness in Action

From last week’s blog, we began to unwrap the meaning of the word lovingkindness. The Hebrew word is ‘hesed’, and it is rich in meaning. I hope you had a chance to rest this week in God’s lovingkindness.


What if God is feeling far away? Are you wondering if this lovingkindness is for you?

Maybe God has been silent. Does it feel like you have a list of unanswered prayers?

I hear you!

There have been seasons in my life where I felt God was quiet, and I was left to fumble in my circumstances alone. Reflecting on these hard times, I can now see how God was working. His hand was orchestrating. Sometimes though it is still difficult to trust that God is diligently moving in our lives. Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28

Psalm 136

This Psalm reveals God’s hand upon all of history. Psalm 136:1-26 Here is a quick breakdown:

Verse 1: Giving thanks for God’s goodness

Verse 2-3: God’s position as the God of gods and Lord of lords

Verses 4-9: God’s creative hand, the wonder and beauty of creation

Verses 10-15: God’s deliverance from Egypt and parting the Red Sea

Verse 16: God’s guidance while in the desert

Verses 17-22: God’s defeat of Israel’s enemies

Verse 23-25: God’s deliverance in the past, His continued deliverance, and preservation of humanity

Verse 26: God’s permanence as the God of heaven

I hope this Psalm brings comfort and hope that God is always working. Even through the hard times, God’s hand is upon us.

Other verses to discover:

  1. God meets the needs of His creation. He delivers us from our enemies and despair. Exodus 15:13, Psalm 6:4
  2. God preserves our lives and redeems us from our sin. Psalm 25:7, Psalm 86:13
  3. His lovingkindness is abundant, exceedingly great, and without end. Numbers 14:19, Psalm 103:8
  4. God acts on our behalf…over and over and over. His steadfastness knows no bounds. Psalm 57:10, Isaiah 63:7
  5. God is covenant-keeping God. He maintains mercy and kindness to those who love Him. God always assures us of His promises. Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Samuel 7:15, Psalm 18:50

Our next step:

Because He bestows this lovingkindness upon us, we are called to show lovingkindness to others. He is looking for hearts turned towards Him. The Israelites were not a perfect people, they failed numerous times. Their hearts became angry and bitter leading to a wandering devotion. Jeremiah 2:2, Hosea 6:4 More than sacrifices, God desired a lovingkindness from His people. Hosea 6:6, 1 Samuel 15:22

Living a life that glorifies God is His desire for us. He longs for our faithfulness and kindness towards Him. 2 Chronicles 32:32, 35:26; Nehemiah 13:14

God desired covenant loyalty from the Israelites. He desires this same covenant loyalty from us. We are given a righteous responsibility so that with Him and through Him He can build a righteous community. This is lovingkindness in action!

Enjoy this movement practice.

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