Breath Prayer

What is breath prayer?        

Simply defined it is a way to pray where we ask God for the desires of our heart.

  • Does it feel impossible to “be still” and know God? (Psalm 46:10)
  • Do you long to feel His presence more intently?
  • Have you wondered how to love the Lord with all heart, soul, mind, and strength? (Mark 12:30)

Considered a spiritual discipline, breath prayer is a practice that can promote growth as a believer in Christ. This type of prayer is linked to our breath. Just as our breath gives life (inhaling and exhaling life giving oxygen), actively praying scripture reminds us that we need God continuously as well. Implementing breath prayer in our busy day, offers us a reset; a few quiet moments to breath and whisper our longing for God.

To practice breath prayer:

  • Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down
  • Begin by breathing deeply-inhaling, exhaling-take a moment to feel the rise and fall of the chest activity
  • Eyes can close, creating a softness of the face
  • Inhaling, choose a name of God that you hold dear
  • Exhaling, pray a deep desire of your heart

Examples to explore:

  • Breathe in, Heavenly Father    breathe out, I am still
  • Breathe in, Lord    breathe out, I love you completely
  • Breathe in, Jesus    breathe out, let your breath fall upon me

I invite you to experience breath prayer with me in the short video!

I chose Mark 15:37 which says, “With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.”

Ponder this scene for a moment-breathing deeply.

As we celebrate Holy Week, we are reminded of the ultimate sacrifice-how Jesus paid for our sin-how He willingly gave His last breath for us.

Jesus, let your breath fall upon me.