Living a Life of Thanksgiving

This is the time of year when we are often asked, “What are you thankful for?”

The list may include:

  • Family and friends
  • Health
  • Food/clothing/home
  • Job/career/financial security

These are good, very good; and definitely should be remembered daily.

Psalm 100:1-5

This Psalm provides beautiful insight into living a life of thanksgiving beyond the list.

Verses 1-2   Joy, gladness, and singing prevail when God is involved

My Grandma Apples once said that a happy person has a happy heart. Being joyful is often an expression of what lies deep in the heart. When we are tired and weary or when the demands of life leave us feeling heavy and burdened, there is joy, gladness, and singing when our eyes are fixed on the Lord.

Keeping God as our focal point takes our eyes off the world. Spending time in the Word reveals His promises for us. It reveals His love for us. It becomes almost impossible to stay quiet when the Lord is the rock of our salvation (Psalm 95:1-2).

Verse 3  God is who He says He is

The word ‘know’ means “to know by experience”. Some Bible versions use the word ‘acknowledge’. Giving honor and praise to the true living God opens our lives to His authority. To ‘know’ or ‘acknowledge’ is a statement of faith. The psalmist knew that Yahweh was God. And we can know it as well. He created us for this life journey with Him. Through everything that we might encounter, He will lead and guide us. Like sheep who roam from their shepherd, we, too, can become lost without our beloved Shepherd.

Verses 4-5  Thank the Lord in all things

In the Old Testament, thanksgiving and praise were a significant part of worship. Though our church building may look very different today, our worship to the Lord reflects our thankfulness. Shouting our praises and giving thanks is only because of Him.

  • The Lord is good
  • His steadfast love endures forever
  • He is faithful to all generations
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Paul writing to the church in Thessalonica, “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Living a life of thanksgiving is more than making our list…these things are often temporary. We must attach to God’s promises and truths that are eternal…things we cannot lose.

Forgiveness 1 John 1:9
God’s presence Hebrews 13:5
Access to God through prayer Hebrews 4:15-16
Eternal life John 10:28

Know that God is always accessible through prayer, feel His presence in your life, rest in His forgiveness, and live in joyful anticipation of eternal life with Him.

Wishing you a most blessed Thanksgiving!